My Juxtapositions are diptychs. They consist of digital camera photographs of specific locations and images generated by AI given the location coordinates. This is a work in process.
A friend gave me long-expired 4x5" color film sheets and I use it to photograph Albuquerque. This is a work in process.
By creating images of famous Americans’ suicides I allude to a specific art historical tradition: In times of unrest, depictions of suicide seemed to serve as metaphors for uncertainty but also as tributes to morality. My photographs are not recreations of actual events but rather images that emphasize our society’s fixation on celebrity and the taboo of suicide in Western culture.
Findings are just that - scenes and objects that draw my attention. Making tin types in my garage has been my antidote to working with digital media. The irregularity and tactility of this old process intrigues me. This is a work in process.